Active auditing Services for Storing and Securing the Data in the Cloud

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Vidhya.G, et. al.


Cloud computing paradigm is a variation on the long  vision of computing as utilisation of resources, in which data owners can host all data tenuously in the cloud and access high-quality software products on demand from a mutual pool of configurable computing resources. We create a secure storage system to alleviate data owners' burdens and to remove their substantial control over storage reliability and security, we develop a secure data storage services with high service-level requirements. Our proposed one involves three favors: the cloud server, data owner and TPA. The pros and cons of cloud computing are examined in this paper and then we put a set of analytically and cryptographically desirable properties allowing large data storage security audit services to become a authenticity. Active auditing is required to check the dynamic data integrity. But it's not easy to do an audit effectively, since data is complex in the cloud. To fail the auditing process, server will implement replay attack and forge attack. Modification, insertion and deletion comprise the complex operations. The owner sends the update message to the auditor any time the complex operation is performed. Built on the techniquepart structure, random case and Dynamic-Hash Table(DHT), our audit service can support validated improvements to externalise the  data, and timely abnormal detection.


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How to Cite
et. al., V. . (2021). Active auditing Services for Storing and Securing the Data in the Cloud. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 4924–4930.
Research Articles