Information Technology and its Entry into Architectural Engineering

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Ismail Mohebbi Kandsari


Communication systems and information technology are an integral part of human life today. Because information
is unlimited and endless and the trend towards quality has attracted the attention of developing countries more than
ever. In fact, the trend towards quality and competitive architecture has created a new trend in these countries.
Information technology as a powerful and growing tool is one of the most controversial issues in architectural
engineering and its evolution. It is no exaggeration to say that all architects in the field of architecture have
considered the issue of technology and its effective role in the emergence of modern architecture as an important
issue. In the new millennium, a new world is being built, and the advancement of information technology in the field
of architecture questions such as "how information technology is applied in the field of architecture" and "whether
architects can accept all "IT capabilities are before us." Information technology tools are also used as a new tool in
architectural offices to avoid duplicate activities and present a wide range of solutions to improve the quality of
designers in this field. Also, this tool has led to increasing educational opportunities and improving the level of
professional and educational skills in architecture, so that today this technology is recognized as an essential element
in the educational system. Information technology with significant progress and high entry speed in the field of
engineering, design and education of architecture has been able to provide appropriate opportunities to improve the
quality of architecture in these areas in order to approach the standards and achieve success in this field. The present
article first defines information technology and architecture separately and examines the relationship between these
two sciences, then deals with the entry of IT into the field of architecture and its education to finally reach its role in


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How to Cite
Ismail Mohebbi Kandsari. (2021). Information Technology and its Entry into Architectural Engineering. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 5665–5672.
Research Articles