Trends of Fast Food Consumption among Public University Students

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SharhidaZawani S.


Purpose: This study aims to increase the awareness of fast food impact on body health and overweight status among public university students. Materials & methods: The sample size consists of 100 students of a public university. Data collection was conducted via an online survey. A survey was conducted by employing questionnaire and administered online. The questionnaire asked the students about their fast food consumption patterns that consist of their preferences, and trends of consumption. Result: The study demonstrates that one of the most popular fast food joints among public university students was McDonald’s (51%%). Majority of the respondents consume fast food only once or twice in a month (67%) and most of them consume fast food as a meal (67%). Conclusion: The overall findingsindicate that public university students' fast food level of intake is not impacted by their perceptions on fast food.


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How to Cite, S. S. (2021). Trends of Fast Food Consumption among Public University Students . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 1618–1624. Retrieved from (Original work published April 11, 2021)
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