Research and Development of Asynchronous Online Learning Module for Computer Programming

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Bambang Krismono Triwijoyo,


Asynchronous online lesson is a learning solution during the Covid19 outbreak in maintaining social distancing and supporting student learning needs and the quality of learning.  However, in overcoming and minimizing the weaknesses of asynchronous online learning, the best strategy is to carry out the Research and Development (R&D) of the online learning module. Therefore, this study aims to develop a learning product and evaluate the weaknesses and shortcomings of computer learning modules before being used in authentic learning.  The R&D product in this study combines qualitative and non-parametric and parametric inferential quantitative research methods. The study concludes that learning asynchronous online computer programming definitely achieves better results when online teaching materials are equipped with text, audio, pointers, discussion forums, and animated images. Each flowchart in asynchronous online computer programming learning is desired by students to be equipped with its coding into the programming language. Most students, up to 50%, strongly agree that asynchronous online learning is combined with face-to-face classroom learning methods. Most students argued that asynchronous online education of computer programming is as effective as conventional classroom teaching. Besides that, the finding concluded that the prototype of asynchronous learning R&D product for computer programming subjects proved to have a good impact on student learning outcomes.


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How to Cite, B. K. T. . (2021). Research and Development of Asynchronous Online Learning Module for Computer Programming. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 4408–4422.
Research Articles