Development of Chicken Nutritional Quality Classification Methods and Algorithms Eggs Based on Characteristics of Yellow Eggs

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Juli Yanto


In order to sustain human life, food is a very necessary material, since the human body requires nutrition to be used in everyday activities. In this case, eggs are among the nutritional intake, a protein that is commonly consumed by the community, particularly native chicken eggs that are available quite a lot. The nutritional quality does have beneficial advantages for the human body in all areas of the egg. In eggs, 10.8 percent of the protein content the body requires is in egg whites and 16.3 percent in egg yolks. The consistency of the egg is defined by the yolk color strength. The principal characteristic of egg quality is the yolk color. There are three basic forms of widely discovered shades of egg yolk. Pale yellow, plain yellow and orange yellow. Vitamin A, vitamin B2, folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and cholesterol are rich in vitamins and minerals in egg yolks. Using the object image of 30 egg yolks, the preprocessing process with the background image is then uniform in size and then grouped by color-dependent characteristics so that the nutritional quality can be identified and the attribute extract is grouped using matlab based on sample testing at the Broad Research and Implementation of Biotechnology BPPT Testing Laboratory The convolutional process of neural networks. Development of characteristic digital image-driven extraction of chicken egg yolk and implementation of nutritional quality grouping of eggs based on characteristic colour extraction of egg yolk. In yellow colour, chicken offers 94% similarity.


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How to Cite, J. Y. (2021). Development of Chicken Nutritional Quality Classification Methods and Algorithms Eggs Based on Characteristics of Yellow Eggs. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 1453–1461. Retrieved from
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