KohaILS:AnEfficientOpenSourceApplicationof Integrated Library System

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Suaad Yahaya Mohammed Ali et.al


Most public and private libraries are inclined to adopt using Koha ILS around the globe. However, several Arab schools could not implement the Koha ILS application to automate their school libraries for ease of use. Deploying technology in managing libraries can solve several identified issues in public and private schools. This provides efficiency, ease and improves the performance of library services. Therefore, this paper is based on qualitative research that implements an efficient open-source application known as Koha ILS in two Arab schools, namely Baseerah International School (BIS) and International Modern Arab School (IMAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In our analysis, we consider analyzing the proposed Koha ILS by providing backend accessibility so as library consumers can make a further enhancement to upgrade the application. The proposed Koha presents several positive impacts such as an efficient cataloging system, remote management of library consumer records such as books or room reservations and customizable searching interface for efficient usage. The application also presents multiple operating system support for a user’s flexibility. In our results, an analysis was made by comparing the two schools based on gender, position/ranks available in the school library, and IT gadgets. Toward this end, some limitations were noted and recommended as a future research direction.


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How to Cite
et.al, S. Y. M. A. (2021). KohaILS:AnEfficientOpenSourceApplicationof Integrated Library System. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 1437–1445. Retrieved from https://www.turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/941
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