Awareness of Nanotechnology among students of the College of Education for Pure Sciences

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Rana Riyad Ahmed ,



The current search aims to identify:

1-Awareness of nanotechnology among students of the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences - Ibn al-Haytham

2-Statistically significant differences in awareness of nanotechnology depending on the sex variable (male, female)

To achieve the research objectives, the researcher adopted the descriptive research curriculum and the research community was identified and selected: students of the fourth stage chemistry department/ morning study in the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences - Ibn al-Haytham, for the academic year (2020-2021) m, and the research sample consisted of (100) students by (47) students and (53) students. The nanotechnology awareness scale was built from 30 paragraphs. After verifying the geometry properties, the scale was applied to the research sample and the results showed that students of the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences - Ibn al-Haytham - had an awareness of nanotechnology.  The effect of the sex change in the awareness of nanotechnology is in favor of males. In the light of these findings, the researcher developed several recommendations and proposals.


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How to Cite, R. R. A. , . (2021). Awareness of Nanotechnology among students of the College of Education for Pure Sciences. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 2634–2645.
Research Articles