Content analysis of the two science books (two chemistry units) for middle school according to visual thinking skills

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Ahmed Abdel-Hamza Giyad,


The aim of the current research is to identify the extent to which visual thinking skills are included in science books (chemistry units) for the first and second intermediate grades in the Republic of Iraq for the academic year (2020-2021).  The analytical descriptive method was used, and a list of visual thinking skills that should be included in the science books for the first and second intermediate stages was used, and then transferred to a content analysis form based on the unit of form as a unit of analysis, and the repetitions as a unit of counting were verified after being presented to a group of arbitrators with  Specialization and experience, which obtained more than 80% agreement from the opinions of the arbitrators. The science books (the two chemistry units) for the first and second intermediate grades were analyzed according to visual thinking skills, then the researcher presented a sample of the analysis sample to a number of arbitrators who agreed on the validity of the analysis process.  Ensure that the analysis is consistent with the researcher's agreement with himself over time and with outside analysts who are specialized, where he obtained a high agreement rate, and by using the Holsti equation and after collecting and processing data and using statistical methods, the results resulted in the two science books for the first and second intermediate grades were characterized.  In contrast to the skills of visual thinking, and based on the research results, the researcher presented a number of recommendations and proposals


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How to Cite, A. A.-H. G. . (2021). Content analysis of the two science books (two chemistry units) for middle school according to visual thinking skills. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 2563–2574.
Research Articles