Financial and legal aspects of government orders in Uzbekistan

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Akramov Azamat Ramziddinovich, et. al.


Improving the regulation of public procurement requires the development of the legal and institutional framework for public procurement. For the above reasons, great attention is paid in our country to reforming the system of public procurement. In the context of economic liberalization, a number of regulations aimed at ensuring openness and transparency of public procurement processes are being adopted. Improving the legal and institutional framework for public procurement can be divided into the following stages [11]:The first stage - the period up to 2011.The second stage - covers the years 2011-2018The third stage - the period after the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Public Procurement" [1].Until 2011, the process of organizing and conducting public procurement was regulated by legislation adopted in 2000. These documents were not perfect and did not provide a solution to the problems that arose in various conflict situations. In addition, the imperfect legal framework has led to a number of misunderstandings and violations. Naturally, at such times, financial resources are used inefficiently, corruption occurs, the country's economy suffers even more, because the issue is about the money spent from the state budget. We are well aware that macroeconomic stability, low inflation, low unemployment, first of all, depend on financial resources [11]. Therefore, the legal framework should be perfect and regulatory documents should be improved on the basis of equality, transparency and the principles of equality. Effective use of funds, further improvement of the procurement system, expansion of opportunities for small businesses to obtain government orders for the supply of goods (works, services), further development of competition, ensuring openness and transparency in public and corporate procurement will be created only on a sound legal framework. Therefore, this article presents a number of shortcomings due to the existence or imperfection of the imperfect legal framework, the material damage caused to the economy due to misunderstandings, as well as additional principles, clauses and practical suggestions from foreign experience to address these shortcomings.


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How to Cite
et. al., A. A. R. . (2021). Financial and legal aspects of government orders in Uzbekistan. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 7076–7080.
Research Articles