Smart Parking System

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Karthik S, et. al.


As days roll over civilization of society is rapidly growing and utilization of Essentials is maximized .In countries like India we have basic wishes in life such as a ‘home to live and a car to drive ‘ usage of car are also  increased and it is a urgent need to systematically plan the car parking and effectively use the given space as technology usage is the mantra for success.We had proposed a model for implementing “Smart Parking System” which can be used in several places like malls, theatre, apartments, government and private offices etc . The principle behind the proposed model is Internet of things (IOT),the given space is effectively utilized by dividing it into a number of slots. 


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How to Cite
et. al., K. S. . (2021). Smart Parking System. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 6933–6936.
Research Articles