GSM Based SMS Driven Automatic Display Notice board

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P.I. Basarkod, et. al.


Since the time the development of the cell phone just as SMS innovation and the two-way informing arrangements it gives a few imaginative arrangements have advanced on the best way to apply this innovation to upset the ways of life and to take care of different issues related with manual control framework. Controlling home and office apparatuses paying little heed to existence is a genuine test confronting the present reality. The present generation is living with the digital world and we are preferring things to be smart and reduce the human burden. we except the correct information should be informed about updates at the right time. That is why we are introducing a useful and important GSM-based noticeboard for this trend. This noticeboard will help us getting the right/correct information from an authenticated person at anytime from anywhere within no time. Mainly there is no place limitations to hinder the transfer of information. This will help in academic institutes, students, teachers, and other staff could be informed about Announcements and there will be no chance of missing any important make it happen easily we have designed an Advance noticeboard that can display information on liquid-crystal display(LCD) as well as it will send a notification (SMS) to all the registered users


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How to Cite
et. al., P. B. . (2021). GSM Based SMS Driven Automatic Display Notice board. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 6919–6924.
Research Articles