Eco Feministic Approach In Sudhamurthy’s “Gently Falls The Bakula”

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Ms. Mahalakshmi. A, et. al.


The paper entitled “Eco Feministic approach in Sudhamurthy’s - GENTLY FALLS THE BAKULA” is an approach to analyze the root system of the society in the mirror of nature. Nature is a boon from God whereas woman is a boon from a woman. This conceptual may arise many contradictory quarrels in one’s mind. Women are usually compared with nature for their traits. This has two extends which is submissive and aggressive. The main concept behind the theory is devotion to the macrocosm is devotion to the lives. It is inversely proportional to the womanhood devotion which cherishes human kind. A woman plays an eminent role in the family growth, which is never recognized by the family members; still her concern for the society never fades.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. M. A. . (2021). Eco Feministic Approach In Sudhamurthy’s “Gently Falls The Bakula”. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 6388–6390.
Research Articles