Advances In The Use Of Neural Networks To Process And Analyze Medical Image

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Dr. Abdulla Mousa Falah Alali


Images are the largest source of data, especially in the medical field, but it is sometimes difficult to detect all the information in them.  Image processing, therefore, plays a major role in helping doctors and specialists detect lesions and diseases. With technological development, researchers began using artificial intelligence with sophisticated neurotic networks to process and analyze images. This has contributed to more accurate information, and there have been radical changes in the way doctors use x-rays and organic images. This research discussed how neural networks work and how they are used in image processing, and the most important technologies newly used in this field.


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How to Cite
Dr. Abdulla Mousa Falah Alali. (2021). Advances In The Use Of Neural Networks To Process And Analyze Medical Image. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 6341–6348.
Research Articles