ICT Application in Governance of Rural parts of Rajasthan: A Road Ahead

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Yashpal Soni, et. al.


The subject e-Governance was well thought of as in view of the prevailing impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in administration, there is a requirement to use the mouse for governance in a big way. Government too must be will set up that the important information is disseminated to the citizen, business, government / sub government departments and the NGOs.

Government is a mechanism or institutional arrangement for exercising sovereignty, while governance is the process and result of making authoritative decisions for the benefit of society. If governance cannot bring the greatest benefits to the largest number of people, it will lead to poor governance. In the welfare state, the goal is good governance. There are many ways to achieve this goal. E-government is the most suitable one, which can bring about a paradigm change in the face of governance. E-government is the deployment of information and communication technology (ICT) in the delivery of public services. In this highly competitive economy, e-government is everywhere. But in terms of the success of e-government projects, developed countries lag far behind developing countries, leading to a digital divide. Developing countries have not taken full advantage of the full benefits of ICT. There are many reasons for this situation, such as lack of appropriate technology, poor financing tools, lack of political will/commitment, resistance to change, etc. This article attempts to illustrate such problems by drawing lessons from developing experience/inference. Countries, experienced companies, participants in e-government, government and non-government departments, blogs, etc.


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How to Cite
et. al., Y. S. . (2021). ICT Application in Governance of Rural parts of Rajasthan: A Road Ahead . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 6037–6043. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i11.6899
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