Effect of Dynamic job Sequencing in a Diverging Converging Conveyor System & Buffer Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm

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Sharath Chandra. H. S, et. al.


A few areas, for example, dairy, vehicle, pharmaceutical, PC and hardware, require a scope of assembling steps to deliver a part. The merchandise in these ventures are created in assortments and the yield volume shifts from low to high. Ordinarily, these sorts of organizations utilize a conveyor that could have a mix of a wandering and merging conveyor framework because of an assortment of preparing stages associated with the improvement of the item. A calculated model of the of conveyor framework is depicted, which works physically and to represent the significance of the arrangement utilizing buffer the format is displayed and contrasted with the manual design. The hereditary calculation is utilized to locate the ideal support stockpiling. It tends to be seen that by adjusting different sequencing strategies there will be decrease in assembling time and arrangement cost.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. C. H. S. . (2021). Effect of Dynamic job Sequencing in a Diverging Converging Conveyor System & Buffer Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5769–5773. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i11.6845
Research Articles