Mediation in the Settlement of Criminal Procedures in Indonesia

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Rudy Heriyanto Adi Nugroho


Mediation in generally known as one of the forms of Alternative Settlement of Disputes in the law civil, but in the development of mediation can be done in the case of a criminal who is known by the mediation Penal. Mediation Penal can be used in several acts of crime are categorized as special. Application of mediation the completion of the case criminal aims in addition to not prolong a conflict between the perpetrator and the victim will however assist apparatus enforcement of law in reducing the buildup of file case. The purpose of writing this is to understand and know about how a mechanism of mediation can be used to resolve a case of criminal in Indonesia. In writing this, using the method of normative that is descriptive. The normative approach is legal research that uses secondary data sources, while the descriptive approach is a research method that seeks to describe and interpret objects according to what they are.


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How to Cite
Rudy Heriyanto Adi Nugroho. (2021). Mediation in the Settlement of Criminal Procedures in Indonesia. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5617–5619.
Research Articles