An Intelligent Driver Assistance System based on Image Processing

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Aravind Kumar Anguluri, et. al.


Facial expression recognition dependent on comprehensive and highlight extraction assuming an imperative part in the modern Driver Assisting System. Here in the paper, we propose a picture handling framework that at the same time works with respect to the recognition of facial sleepiness and enthusiastic recognition for cutting-edge driver-ready frameworks. Because of countless street mishap happens during driving for the reason for laziness and stressed temperament. Target of the paper to plan a framework in which because of low consideration on driving because of many possibilities, the system can naturally change to caution mode with an AI framework made dependent on various principles characterized through the investigation of different condition and expression likewise identify facial feelings and sleepiness by monitoring the facial expressions like lips. The following paper grouping indicates feelings of human-similar resentment, pitiful, arranges feelings, moved to the programmed planned method of the vehicle. The proposed framework furnishes the most extreme potential outcomes with great precision.


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How to Cite
et. al., A. K. A. . . (2021). An Intelligent Driver Assistance System based on Image Processing. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5551–5558.
Research Articles