A Study On Impact Of Advertisement On Buying Behaviour Of Consumers In Tamil Nadu

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Dr.T.K.Saravanakumar, et. al.


The Indian automotive industry is extremely important to the Indian economy, especially the two-wheeler industry, which has seen tremendous growth in recent years, putting it in third place behind China and Japan in terms of sales and output. Two-wheeler segment in India is so competitive; advertising plays an important role in influencing and attracting consumers. The primary goal of advertising is to raise public awareness of the company's commodity. The commodity is created primarily to fulfill and accommodate the desires of consumers. Advertising has a significant impact on transforming customer behavior and introducing emerging habits for buying and consuming products and services. Many people get their knowledge from advertisements posted on banners, hoardings, journals, television, blogs, movies, magazines, and other places. While all two-wheeler companies advertise, only a few of them succeed in the industry. In light of this, the current study proposes to investigate the effect of advertising on consumer purchasing behavior, with a focus on two-wheelers in the Chennai district. 50 samples were taken for the final analysis purpose using purposive sampling method analyzing the relationship between demographic variables and advertisement factors which influencing buying motives, product recognition and buying decision of two wheelers customers. This study concludes that advertisement plays a vital role in consumer behavior of marketing two wheelers and there is more scope for extensive research in this area.


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How to Cite
et. al., D. . (2021). A Study On Impact Of Advertisement On Buying Behaviour Of Consumers In Tamil Nadu. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 4476–4482. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i11.6586
Research Articles