“Subjugation Of Women In Bayen And The Swing Of Desire”

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Lata Bhardwaj, et. al.


In earlier times, a girl was normally a subject to the impulses of her spouse or father, because of the social norms. It asserted that females were physically and mentally less competent and skilled than men and so they are needed to be "taken care of." The prototype of best woman as mother, wife, and homemaker was a vigorous belief in 19th-century society.

It is said that even formal submission of one sex to the other is unfair in itself and so it must get replaced by scenario of a perfect equality that gives no power and freedom of one on the other.

My aim in this paper is to tell the story of a powerful woman who doesn't bend downward in life but takes every step proudly. She stops her will to require her rights as a mother and a wife for the sake of her child and husband. It shows the logical description of the struggle of women who have limited time to cry over their emotional and subjective hardships but sob uncontrollably and beat chest to grieve over the demise of the wealthy to earn a living.

The same thing can be seen in another instance that has been taken from “The Swing of Desire” that deals with a woman protagonist who has left her desire as an artist behind, just for the sake of her family and especially her husband, and “Bayen” that is about oppressive reality and its dehumanizing effect on women.


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How to Cite
et. al., L. B. . (2021). “Subjugation Of Women In Bayen And The Swing Of Desire”. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 4389–4393. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i11.6573
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