A Study on Improving the University Press Spokesperson System and Creating Public Opinion Environment in China with a Documentary Analysis Approach

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Jie Qiu, et. al.


The purpose of establishing the university spokesperson system is to further deepen the openness of university management1. It is an important system guaranteed for responding to the society’s concern about universities and actively disclosing the management of universities. In the situation, teachers, students and the public understand the development and progress of university. The study examines the problems of the spokesperson system in Chinese universities, explores the importance of establishing and improving the university’s spokesperson system, and suggests on how to improve the university’s spokesperson system. A documentary research method is adopted to collect and analyze data. It is indicated that the university's management is on the track within the legal framework. Furthermore, the promotion of university’s culture, image and reputation is enhanced. It is suggested that the university spokesperson system is supposed to be implemented under the framework of modern university system for the development of university.


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How to Cite
et. al., J. Q. . (2021). A Study on Improving the University Press Spokesperson System and Creating Public Opinion Environment in China with a Documentary Analysis Approach. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 4127–4132. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i11.6539
Research Articles