Urban sustainability in urban reconstruction projects for affected cities (The city of Nasiriyah case study)

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Al-Adday Ahmed Razzaq , et. al.


This paper examines that wars have imposed on some countries a state of haste and rush to random and ill-considered urban planning to fill the shortage of architectural elements and urban formations. Urban sustainability, along with environmental and economic sustainability, has recently gained great importance in contemporary global studies. In view of the problems that the city of Nasiriyah suffers from in Iraq at the level of architectural formation and devastating environmental pollution, in addition to the great deficit in finding the necessary design solutions for the urban rehabilitation of the city. It was necessary to limit individual attempts that move towards unconscious perceptions and lead to perversion and disharmony with the city's private surroundings. Urban formation is a series of visual interactions that cannot be intercepted by individual, personal, and ill-considered attempts. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate common visions agreed upon by specialists in many fields, chief among them the environment. Hence, the research tends to find research areas that can provide objective solutions suitable for reality to be a basis for the future structure of affected cities within the framework of the concept of sustainable urban development in the future. The research aims here to choose the best way to form the modern city of Nasiriyah.


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How to Cite
et. al., A.-A. A. R. , . (2021). Urban sustainability in urban reconstruction projects for affected cities (The city of Nasiriyah case study). Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 2539–2547. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i11.6252
Research Articles