Case Study on Agritourism Business Management: A New venture at Baramati District India

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Bimal Ekka, et. al.


Agritourism represents a significant form of strategy that supports rural communities and enhancing sustainable rural development. Over the years, technology has changed the nature of business transactions between the consumers and suppliers of goods and services. As within any other industry, changes driven by technology pose a major challenge in agritourism especially to farmers that do not have access to and knowledge about available technologies in agritourism. Agri-tourism is a business venture located on a working farm, ranch, or agricultural enterprise that provides an “experience” for visitors while generating supplemental income for the owner.

The study was conducted in Baramati District, of Maharashtra using a field survey and some group discussions with farmers and respective state officials of these districts. Results revealed that there are several possibilities for the establishment of agritourism in the country.


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How to Cite
et. al., B. E. . (2021). Case Study on Agritourism Business Management: A New venture at Baramati District India. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 1815–1819.
Research Articles