Representation of Non-Human Beings as an Integral Part of Human Culture in the Kuṟuntokai poems written by Chēramān Pālai Pādiya Perunkadunkō

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Dr Jayanthi, et. al.


Humans and non-humans had a harmonious relationship during the Sangam Age in Tamil Nadu. Non-human beings were considered a part of the household, or at least, integral to their society. This is evident in the way plants and animals are mentioned in the Kuṟuntokai poems. Chēramān Pālai Pādiya Perunkadunkō’s poems in particular are filled with images of animals and plants that are used to describe not just the state of mind of the human characters but also the external landscape. This essay analyses the role played by non-human beings in the domestic life of the Tamils in the Sangam Age and establishes that domestic life in the Sangam Age was essentially a co-existence of human and non-human beings.



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How to Cite
et. al., D. J. . (2021). Representation of Non-Human Beings as an Integral Part of Human Culture in the Kuṟuntokai poems written by Chēramān Pālai Pādiya Perunkadunkō. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 1593–1596.
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