Loan as a backbone for Agriculture: Evidence from Banks

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Abhishek.T, et. al.


The role of Agricultural financing is critical, as are the instruments utilized in agricultural production. The stress relatedto the main structural structure for agricultural-based loans was placed on the roots of understanding the significant importance of agricultural loans to sustain the core roots of agriculture production even after the start of the expected economic growth cycle in India. This paper intends to identify and discusses the scenarios of past and wishes of Indian farm finance area, origins and scale of farm-finance, and reviews the expansion of farming finance. The paper is concentrated on secondary information gathered from various sources and analyzed using descriptive statistical methods (if applicable). Farmers would always in of needing capital for both agricultural needs pertaining to productivity and unproductive use. Farmers need money. Centralized and non-institutional financing sources are the key sources of finance in agriculture. In recent years, the percentage share of agriculture financed backed by non-institutionalized platforms like traditional money lenders fell drastically at a point rate from 90,9% to 20,9%. For scheduled commercial banks with CGR 32.05, the very best lending rate was 32.05, while for co-operatives with CGR short-term loans rock bottom was 13,57%. For long-term loans, for Planned Commercial Banks with CGR 22,74 the typical outstanding debt was 22,74, while for Co-operatives it had been 2.81% CGR rock bottom . The percentile  share of agricultural credits slowly increased in time within the agricultural GDP after the 1950s than as a part of GDP as entire until the 1980s. Advice for lenders on the interior formalities of monetary institutions should improve access to institutional loans further. Microfinance and Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) should be adopted and simplified so as to alleviate the suffering of low, poor, and simply linked tribal farmers within the Self Help Group (SHG).


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How to Cite
et. al., A. (2021). Loan as a backbone for Agriculture: Evidence from Banks. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 106–114.
Research Articles