Role of Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Software Testing

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Nilofar Mulla, Dr. Naveenkumar Jayakumar


This study provides information about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques in the field of software testing. The use of AI in software testing is still in its initial stages. Also the automation level is lesser compared to more evolved areas of work.AI and ML can be used to help reduce tediousness and automate tasks in software testing. Testing can be made more efficient and smarter with the help of AI. Researchers recognize potential of AI to bridge the gap between human and machine driven testing capabilities. There are still number of challenges to fully utilize AI and ML techniques in testing but it will definitely enhance the entire testing process and skills of testers and will contribute in business growth. Machine learning research is a subset of overall AI research. The life-cycle of software is increasingly shortening and becoming more complicated. There is a struggle in software development between the competing pressures of developing software and meeting deadlines. AI-powered automated testing makes conducting full test suites in a timely manner on every change. In this article a detailed overview about the various applications of AI in software testing have been demonstrated. Also the implementation of machine learning in software testing has been discussed in detail and use of different machine learning techniques has been explained as well.


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How to Cite
Dr. Naveenkumar Jayakumar, N. M. . (2021). Role of Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Software Testing. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 2913–2921.
Research Articles