Machine Learning Approach to Select Optimal Task Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud

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Chinmai Shetty, Dr. Sarojadevi H, Suraj Prabhu


The flexibility provided by the cloud service provider at reduced cost popularized the cloud tremendously. The cloud service provider must schedule the incoming requests dynamically. In a cloud environment tasks must be scheduled such that proper resource utilization is achieved. Hence task scheduling plays a significant role in the functionality and performance of cloud computing systems. While there exist many approaches for boosting the task scheduling in the cloud, it is still an unresolved issue. In this proposed framework we attempt to optimize the usage of cloud computing resources by applying machine learning techniques. The new proposed framework dynamically selects the scheduling algorithm for the incoming request rather than arbitrary assigning a task to the scheduling algorithm. The scheduling algorithm is predicted dynamically using a neural network which is the best for the incoming request. The proposed framework considers scheduling parameters namely cost, throughput, makespan and degree of imbalance. The algorithms chosen for scheduling are 1) MET 2) MCT 3) Sufferage 4)Min-min 5) Min-mean 6) Min-var. The framework includes 4 neural networks to predict the best algorithm for each scheduling parameters considered for optimization. PCA algorithm is used for extracting relevant features from the input data set. The proposed framework shows the scope for the overall system performance by dynamically selecting precise scheduling algorithms for each incoming request from the user. 


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How to Cite
Suraj Prabhu, C. S. D. S. H. (2021). Machine Learning Approach to Select Optimal Task Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 2565–2580.
Research Articles