Techno- Innovative Hubs (TIHs): A Strategy for the Growth of Informal Industries in Zimbabwe

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N Munyawarara, et. al.


The sprouting informal sector need governments to support the opportunities offered by techno- innovative hubs so that they develop into competitive global companies.This initiative is also offering opportunities to re-create communities and address socio economic structural fault lines in poor societies.A survey of informal businesses investigated whether techno-innovative hubs promote informal industry development in Zimbabwe. The study tested the hypothesis to establish if there is a positive relationship between the support for techno-innovative hubs by government and the growth of informal industries in Zimbabwe. The study concluded that placing informal businesses into hubs increases their growth. The study suggested that government support should be used as mechanisms that streamline informal industry development and economic wellness in Zimbabwe. In addition, the results indicated a rise in techno-innovative hubs in Zimbabwe and recommendations were made to improve their current state.


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How to Cite
et. al., N. M. . (2021). Techno- Innovative Hubs (TIHs): A Strategy for the Growth of Informal Industries in Zimbabwe. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 4088–4094. Retrieved from
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