The Role of Probability Distributions in Establishing Acceptance Sampling Plans and Quality Control Charts

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Galal Abdulqader Ahmed Alashaari, Fahad Sameer Alshammari


This paper aims at identifying the probability distributions used in controlling the quality of products of industrial companies by examining the degree of the probability distributions' efficient in strengthen the control process that, consequently, would lead companies to cope with the new technologies to overcome the difficulties and problems they counter in controlling the quality of their products. This study used discrete and continuous probability distributions and explained how they can be used in acceptance inspection plans and quality control charts by examining the inputs and outputs of the production process and the production process itself. The results of this study indicated to the use of probability distributions maintains continuous improvement in quality and checks for convergence between inputs and outputs. In addition, the use of probability distributions enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of quality control. The results of this study are of importance to managements in the manufactured companies concerning the significance of using probability distributions to control the quality of products at all stages of production. Moreover, the establishment of periodical training programs specialized in quality control, with a focus on the use of probability distributions.


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How to Cite
Fahad Sameer Alshammari, G. A. A. A. (2021). The Role of Probability Distributions in Establishing Acceptance Sampling Plans and Quality Control Charts . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 1989–2000. Retrieved from
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