Law Enforcement and Prevention of Banking Criminal Actions in Indonesia

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Andi Aina Ilmih et. al.


Cyber Crime in the digital era is an extraordinary crime that has attacked the Indonesian banking sector with various modes through digital technology facilities. There are third parties outside the bank hackers, and many also involve people within the bank themselves with various modus operandi using embezzlement in their positions to manipulate digital financial reports or fake accounts, fake calls on behalf of the bank to take customer money with illegal proceedings. This study uses a post-positivism paradigm. The results of the author's research, the forms of crime that have occurred so far are various modes of crime committed by bank employees, third parties with various modes of crime. The conclusion is that there needs to be an increase and awareness that everyone in facing this era must have a new awareness, in this digital era they must be more aware of protecting data and always protecting it. Because there are risks that must be regulated to provide a sense of security for customers and continue to enforce the law according to the Banking Law, the Information and Telecommunication Law, the OJK Law and the Corruption Crime Law. Technological developments are a challenge for banks to improve security in transactions in order to ensure predictableness and preciseness for customer fund protection.


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How to Cite
et. al., A. A. I. (2021). Law Enforcement and Prevention of Banking Criminal Actions in Indonesia. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 5733–5744. Retrieved from
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