Layered-Division Multiplexing in 5G New -Radio for Terrestrial Broadcast Services

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MadhusmitaShial et. al.


The 5G system can deliver simultaneouslyunicast services, multicast services and broadcast services using the conventional high-power high- tower (HPHT) infrastructure and with the same spectrum.The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) LTEevolved -multimedia broadcast- multicast service (eMBMS) have new features designed for Terrestrial Broadcast services in Release 14.  A broadcast service means only receive mode, only downlink no uplink or inserting a SIM card not needed. In free to air reception without a SIM card or without user device registration with the network the content can be received. This specification is standardized in release 15. In this study a two layer Layered-Division Multiplexing (LDM) is used in 5G new radio (NR).A significant performance could be analyzed in a 5G- NRMBMS  by using two layer LDM system for delivering terrestrial broadcast services. The performance analysis demonstrated by computer simulations. Using two-layer LDM in 5G-NRMBMS system a high-qualityservice can be provided to both handheld and fixed devices


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How to Cite
et. al., M. (2021). Layered-Division Multiplexing in 5G New -Radio for Terrestrial Broadcast Services. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 5183–5190. Retrieved from
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