Analysis of Student Mathematical Anxiety Based on Gender and Educational Infrastructure

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Nasruliyah Hikmatul Maghfiroh et. al.


Anxiety is a problem that arises from the gap between expectations and reality. Many factors influence mathematical anxiety (MA), one of which is the availability of educational infrastructure. Although MA has been widely researched, only a few studies have explored how gender and the availability of educational infrastructure form the basis for analyzing MA. By knowing student MA, it will help teachers to provide alternative educational foundation based on their gender analysis. This research aims to examine student MA based on gender and the availability of educational infrastructure. This research involved 450 senior high school students in East Java, Indonesia. The data were processed using univariate analysis. The results of the study reveal that gender does not significantly influence student MA, while educational infrastructure significantly influences students MA. There is no interaction between gender and educational infrastructure on student MA. It is implied that, by understanding the student MA, it allows teachers to guide students who have an MA based on their area of origin according to the level of availability of educational infrastructure.


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How to Cite
et. al., N. H. M. (2021). Analysis of Student Mathematical Anxiety Based on Gender and Educational Infrastructure. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 4979–4986. Retrieved from
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