Improving Efficiency By Using Synchronised Parallel Data Transmission Over Wsn

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Rahul Bhandekar et. al.


As the data transmission speed and the efficiency over the wireless network depend on the network or transfer device bandwidth. After physical implementation of wireless network which is difficult to dynamically control transfer in order to get high or low data transfer rate. Dedicating the fixed network for such a dynamic requirement network is not feasible. Many researchers are trying to enhance the wireless network speed by joining the transfer speed of multiple lines which will result in to asynchronous data transfer and data leakage. Hence the proposed system is to design and implements a dynamically controllable wireless network using the multiple radio frequency wireless devices. Here the proposed system will use multiple wireless devices and transfer data over multiple line depending upon the user configuration and synchronize the data over the receiving end. It will let the user control the wireless data transmission speed as per the requirement.


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How to Cite
et. al., R. B. . (2021). Improving Efficiency By Using Synchronised Parallel Data Transmission Over Wsn. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 4795–4800. Retrieved from
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