Myocardial Infarction Prediction Using Hybrid Machine Learning Techniques

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Vaddi Niranjan Reddy


The myocardial infarction prediction is an important task in health care domain in the current days. So, Prediction of cardiovascular diseases is a critical challenge in the area of clinical data analysis. It is difficult to predict myocardial infarction prediction by physicians with huge health records. To overcome this complexity we need to implement the automatic heard disease prediction system to notify the patient and get to recovery from the disease. Here to gaining the automatic system we are using machine learning techniques to easily performing myocardial infarction prediction. The machine learning techniques can be split into multiple types like unsupervised and supervised learning classifier. The supervised learning techniques working with structured data which is recommended to implement this classifiers. So, in this system we are using supervised learning techniques namely KNN, RF, NN, DT, NB, and SVM classifiers. To predict myocardial infarction, this system is using training dataset which is accessing from UCI ML repository. As well as this system is comparing accuracy performance between various machine learning algorithms and accuracy results with graphical presentation. This makes the accessing of the risk of the disease in the early stages and can try to save the patient without having any loss.


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How to Cite, V. N. R. (2021). Myocardial Infarction Prediction Using Hybrid Machine Learning Techniques. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 4251–4260. Retrieved from
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