Measuring ERP System Success: Success Indicators and Structural Equation Modelling Approach

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Ovais Ahmed R


The study aims to analyse the system success of ERP Systems functioning at a leading Coal Producer Company in Odisha. The study is divided into two parts in the first part universal success indicators from the literature of ERP success measurement will be tested using factor analysis. In the second part of the study how factors influencing the success of ERP systems will be analysed using the updated G.Gable model by Princely Ifinedo. Data will be collected regarding 27 success indicators through a structured questionnaire from the end-users of ERP systems working at a Leading Coal Producer Company in Odisha. The sample size will be 330 i.e., at Confidence Level of 95(Ninety-Five)%  and Confidence Interval of 5(Five)% for a total end-user population of 3300. A hypothesis is formulated and data analysis will be conducted by SPSS for Factor analysis and AMOS for SEM. The result obtain will show that whether success indicators are present or absent in the ERP Systems working at Leading Coal Producer Company in Odisha. Based on the presence or absence of success indicators through the data received from the end-users we can clearly say that whether ERP Systems implemented has served its purpose fully or partially


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How to Cite, O. A. R. (2021). Measuring ERP System Success: Success Indicators and Structural Equation Modelling Approach. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 3736–3746. Retrieved from
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