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Vidhya Shenigaram
Susheel Kumar Thakur
Choul Praveen Kumar
Laxman Maddikunta


With the rapid development of cloud services, huge volume of data is shared via cloud computing. Although cryptographic techniques have been utilized to provide data confidentiality in cloud computing, current mechanisms cannot enforce privacy concerns over cipher text associated with multiple owners, which makes co-owners unable to appropriately control whether data disseminators can actually disseminate their data. In this paper, we propose a secure data group sharing and conditional dissemination scheme with multi-owner in cloud computing, in which data owner can share private data with a group of users via the cloud in a secure way, and data disseminator can disseminate the data to a new group of users if the attributes satisfy the access policies in the cipher text. We further present a multiparty access control mechanism over the disseminated cipher text, in which the data co-owners can append new access policies to the cipher text due to their privacy preferences. Moreover, three policy aggregation strategies, including full permit, owner priority and majority permit, are provided to solve the privacy conflicts problem caused by different access policies. The security analysis and experimental results show our scheme is practical and efficient for secure data sharing with multi-owner in cloud computing.


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How to Cite
Shenigaram, V. ., Thakur, S. K., Kumar, C. P. ., & Maddikunta, L. . (2018). SECURE DATA GROUP SHARING AND CONDITIONAL DISSEMINATION WITH MULTI-OWNER IN CLOUD COMPUTING. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 9(3), 1312–1318.
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