Working From Home Facilities Model During Pandemic Situation

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Irwan Mohammad Ali


Since WHO declare COVID-19 as a pandemic, it has changed the way of our life today. Mostly, all countries in the world implementing lockdown or movement control to stop the spreading. In Malaysia, the government announced a Movement Control Order (MCO) which requires the closure of all businesses except those providing essential services and items. This affects most business operations and companies have to switch to Working From Home (WFH). This paper aim to propose WFH Facilities Model during a pandemic (COVID-19). The scope of this study pertains to Malaysian citizens. The main methods used in this research were a deductive approach that suit to cross-sectional research. This research employs a simple random sampling technique to achieve the required minimum sample size. Therefore, to gather data, a questionnaire survey technique was selected.Meanwhile, using the SmartPLS3, structural equation modeling (SEM) technique was used to test the research hypotheses. A total of 500 questionnaires was circulated via a web-based self-administered questionnaire using the Google Forms survey. Out of 500 questionnaires distributed, only 363 sets were replied to and completed with a high response rate of up to 73%. The findings of the study show that from six research hypotheses, only two hypotheses are supported which are Work-Family Related (WF) and Modern Technology (MT).Hence, this study recommends that it is important for any organisation that wants to implement WFH to pay an attention to both attributes.


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How to Cite, I. M. A. (2021). Working From Home Facilities Model During Pandemic Situation. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 2683–2692. Retrieved from
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