Laboratory Instruments’ Produced Scientific Data Standardization through the Use of Metadata

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Nur Adila Azram


The progression of scientific data from various laboratory instruments is increasing these days. As different laboratory instruments hold different structures and formats of data, it became a concern in the management and analysis of data because of the heterogeneity of data structure and format. This paper offered a metadata structure to standardize the laboratory instruments' -produced scientific data to attain a standard structure and format. This paper contains explanation regarding the methodology and the use of proposed metadata structure, before summarizing the implementation and its related result analysis. The proposed metadata structure extraction shows promising results based on conducted evaluation and validation.


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How to Cite, N. A. A. (2021). Laboratory Instruments’ Produced Scientific Data Standardization through the Use of Metadata. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 2146–2151. Retrieved from
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