A Glance of Sea Tribes People in Batam, RiauArchipelago, Indonesia Multidisciplinary Perspective
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From this research, it is found that the Sea Tribes people in Batam at present have alreadydeveloped rapidly in the aspects of their lives, for examples; in economy, education, culture, etc.. Thedevelopment of these are caused by the development of Batam Island as Bussiness City, Tourism City,Industry City, etc., which is also supported by its community and the Local Government. Besides that,BatamisalsonearSingaporeandMalaysia,ithasbuiltManyinfrastructures,Tourismplaces,Departments, Housing complex, Harbours, Bridges, Schools, Modern Markets, Industries, etc. However,to those, especially (Sea Tribes People in there) who do not have houses, do not have jobs, do not getschools yet, etc., must be helped and supported by the community and Government, so that they have thesame level oflifestyle as other communities surrounding them in Batam. Therefore, this
research is onlyconductedtoshow aglace ofSea TribesPeople inBatamgenerally.
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