Energy Wasting Optimization (EWO)

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Masoud Khazaee Fadafen , Naser Mehrshad


In recent decades, the heuristic or intelligent algorithms have been used in many fields of science and engineering. Some of these algorithms are according to nature and physics principles. Many optimization methods have been proposed, but in general, there is not an efficient method to solve correctly optimization problems. In this paper, a new optimization algorithm based on energy wasting on the electrical circuits and particles moves according to Ohm's law is introduced (Energy Wasting Optimization algorithm (EWO). In this algorithm, the set of particles with different potentials are moving on an electrical circuit to the lowest potential of particle (best answer) based on Ohm's law and the rate of energy wasting. This algorithm and PSO (particle swarm optimization) algorithm’s performance are compared on some standard benchmark functions. In most cases, the efficiency and convergence speed in the optimal point is significantly improved.


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How to Cite
Masoud Khazaee Fadafen , Naser Mehrshad. (2021). Energy Wasting Optimization (EWO). Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 7435–7442.
Research Articles