Aspects of Islamic Education in the Story of Musa A.S, With al-Khadir A.S in the Qur'an al-Karīm

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Andi Abdul Hamzah


Islamic educational values such as patience, tawadu', sincerity and amar ma'rūf nahi munkar and
educational methods such as: al-Qisah, al-hiwar, al-Qudwah al-hasanah, al-Targhib wa al-Tarhīb, al-Rihlah al-
'Ilmiyyah, and Demonstration are the most prominent that the author can reveal and highlight in this article, after
going through library research efforts, using a descriptive approach and logical analysis. Patience, tawādu', sincerity
and amar ma'ruf nahi munkar are the pillars of Islamic teachings that must be internalized in human life. With these
pillars, a person or a nation will be able to move on to become moral, noble and honorable, strong and respected by
friends and foes, as was practiced by the Prophet s.a.w., himself and those after Muhammad s.a.w. The success of
socializing, internalizing and establishing a noble value like the one above by a teacher to a student, or even a solid
ideology, really depends on what method is used. In this paper, several values and methods of Islamic education are
put forward which are derived from the verses of Allah s.w.t, and some of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad,
which may provide a clear path and guidance to all Muslim educators, in the context of increasing worship and noble
character in future generations of Islam.


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How to Cite
Andi Abdul Hamzah. (2021). Aspects of Islamic Education in the Story of Musa A.S, With al-Khadir A.S in the Qur’an al-Karīm. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 3811–3818.
Research Articles