Conceptual Framework of Kxpert:Knowledge-Based Information Retrieval for Expert Profiling

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Ismail, S


With the constant demand for expertise within organisation, especially in boosting the credibility of experts in the organisation, it is a need to bring forth a simple yet effective knowledge-based expert profiling based on information retrieved from credential publication sites.  A number of frameworks from previous authors are analysed to propose one sound framework for a case university, to improve its existing research expert database, to make it more efficient in the information retrieval process and knowledge repository technique.  Knowledge expertise mapping is proposed to be part of the whole mechanism for the conceptual framework called kXpert in this paper. The choice of credential knowledge sources is highlighted due to the updated information made available on the sites that are based on the published works of the internal experts.  Very rare that this information is referred to on daily basis when there is a need to find expertise, thinking that the existing database has it all.  The proposed conceptual framework presented in this paper is the work to be completed in the next phase, and can be customised for other organisations, industries and purposes.


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How to Cite, I. S. (2021). Conceptual Framework of Kxpert:Knowledge-Based Information Retrieval for Expert Profiling. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 2064–2070. Retrieved from
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