Projective Geometry—((ARC-RATIO)).—S.B’s Theorems

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In Projective geometry we never measure anything as in Euclidean geometry ; instead , we relate one set of
points to another by a projectivity. Generally , Projective geometry is a part of education in general
mathematics like Differential equation , Operation research and Statistics , Dynamics , Statics etc .Furthermore
, projective geometry is very much prerequisite for algebraic geometry , one of modern day’s most vigorous ,
interesting and exciting branches of mathematics on which a lots of research works are due , to be completed .
In this paper I have tried to express some new ideas in lucid manner which are logically logical with diagrams
and easy for the student audiences.


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How to Cite
SURAJIT BHATTACHAARYYA. (2021). Projective Geometry—((ARC-RATIO)).—S.B’s Theorems. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 2081–2101.
Research Articles