Online Student Mentoring System

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Mentoring means sharing knowledge with people around us, it is a professional way of
expressing our skills and letting others and ourselves. Educating others with the knowledge
we have and that to done in a virtual platform is one of the main reasons of the online
mentoring system. These are basically for students nowadays who are into an online platform
and looking after the performance has become much more difficult than usual, in this case
this system comes handy. This promotes active engagement of students in both academic and
their non-academic activities. This Application replaces the conventional and inconvenient
method of clearing doubts in classes which involves the mentor and student to be physically
present at the same time. In this context arises the importance of our application. This
application bridges the existing gap between mentor and students due to the time constraints.


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How to Cite
L.Sheeba,M.Selvanayaki. (2021). Online Student Mentoring System. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 1319–1324.
Research Articles