Implementation Analysis of Total Sanitation Program Policy Community- Based (STBM) at the Health Office Jayawijaya District

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Amos Andri Palulungan1, Indar1, Amran Razak1, Alwy Arifin, Nurhaedar Jafar, Syamsuddin


Environments that have poor sanitary conditions can be a source of disease development. This clearly
endangers the health of our society. The accumulation of garbage that cannot be managed properly, air, water
and soil pollution can also be the cause. Efforts to protect the environment are the responsibility of all parties for
this reason, awareness of all parties is needed. Based on statistical data, access to basic sanitation in Indonesia up
to 2008 only reached 48.56%. One of the steps taken by the Government of Indonesia is by issuing the Decree of
the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3 of 2014 concerning STBM. The purpose of this study
was to analyze the implementation of the STBM Program at the Jayawijaya District Health Office. The design of
this study used a qualitative approach. Qualitative data was obtained by collecting data using triangulation
techniques, namely in-depth interviews. In this research study, using the concept of implementation of George C.
Edward II with four factors that influence the implementation of the Community-Based Total Sanitation
Program. The results of this study indicate that the communication factor has been implemented but has not been
maximized. The resource factor is still not available, both for the fulfillment of personnel and operational
budgeting in implementing the program. As for the disposition factor, it looks quite high with the commitment of
the program organizers. Meanwhile, the bureaucratic structure factor is based on a hierarchical organizational
structure, but is not supported by related programs, and has not been accompanied by the development of
Standard Operating Procedures for the implementation of the Community-Based Total Sanitation program.
Communication and resources have not been maximized, so that facilitators should be trained regularly and
increase staff in all Puskesmas in handling the STBM program. If the disposition is good, with a high
commitment from the program organizers, while the bureaucratic structure is not working, then Standard
Operating Procedures should be made.


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How to Cite
Amos Andri Palulungan1, Indar1, Amran Razak1, Alwy Arifin, Nurhaedar Jafar, Syamsuddin. (2021). Implementation Analysis of Total Sanitation Program Policy Community- Based (STBM) at the Health Office Jayawijaya District. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 7310–7316.
Research Articles