Parents’ treatment and the promotion of intellectual awareness in the light of the Holy Quran

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Awwad Abdel Rahman Sayah Al Rowaili


The research deals with the topic of Parents treatment and the promotion of intellectual
awareness in the light of the Holy Quran, through three main sections, where the first part
dealt with the definition of the terms of research in language and terminology, and the
second addressed the treatment of Parents and intellectual awareness in the Qur'an,
through research in family construction in the Qur'anic curriculum, Parents treatment in
the qur'anic curriculum between rights and duties, intellectual awareness and its necessity
in the Qur'anic curriculum, then The third part addressed the role of Parents treatment in
promoting intellectual awareness in the Qur'anic curriculum by explaining the
relationship between Parents treatment and intellectual awareness in the Qur'anic
curriculum, and the role of Parents treatment in promoting intellectual awareness in the
Qur'anic curriculum.
The research produced the desired results, including: revealing how the Qur'an deals
with Parents treatment, and showing the relationship between Parents treatment and
intellectual awareness.


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How to Cite
Awwad Abdel Rahman Sayah Al Rowaili. (2021). Parents’ treatment and the promotion of intellectual awareness in the light of the Holy Quran. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(13), 7265–7292.
Research Articles